How to Use the 3D Printed Crustless Sandwich Maker

Short video describing the steps necessary to create your own sealed crustless sandwich similar to those found in stores sold under the “Uncrustables” brand.

This guide is specific to the 3D Printed Crustless Sandwich Maker sold on our Etsy shop.


  1. Prepare your sandwich
  2. Use the Cutter piece of the sandwich maker to cut out the shape for the crustless sandwich
  3. Remove the crust
  4. Use the Sealer to seal the sandwich by inserting it into the cutter, make sure to press down firmly but not to press down all the way
  5. Flip the sandwich inside and repeat for the other side
  6. Remove the sandwich from the sealer and enjoy

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to post them below. Thank you.


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